Get Free Traffic From Social Networking

What is social Networking?

In the broadest of senses, social networking can be defined as an online community of people who share similar interests, likes, or activities. These sites are web or internet based, and they provide the community the ability to communicate with one another through various platforms, such as email, instant messaging, bookmarking, or web based platforms.

There’s been such a buzz over the past few months about Web 2.0 or some of its other names like Social Networking or Social Marketing. You’ve heard all the names: MySpace, Twitter, Facebook, Squidoo, but you don’t really understand how to leverage those sites to drive traffic back to your website.

Traffic to these sites is immense. How big you ask? In going to Alexa, I pulled up the traffic statistics on Facebook, the most popular of all the social networking sites. Over 10% of all internet users world wide visit Facebook. To put that number into comparison Reuters, which is seen as the trusted world wide site for news in the English language, pulls in on average only 0.35% of internet traffic. In simplest terms, Facebook pulls in 20 times the traffic as Reuters, and the numbers are similar when looking at MySpace as well.

The best part about getting traffic from these networks is the cost. It’s absolutely free traffic. For marketers who’ve used pay per click advertising to generate traffic, they see the value of this type of traffic immediately. Free targeted traffic can add so much to the bottom line of each of your marketing campaigns.

Another great thing about these sites is that the search engines absolutely love them because they give the search engines the one thing that they crave, FRESH CONTENT. These sites are updated many times per day each and every day. They tend to have tremendous page rank, and links to your site from one of these hubs is great for helping your webpage rank higher in the search engines.

What makes using these sites tough for marketers is that all of these sites don’t like marketers using them as a place to plaster their website and/or affiliate links. If you happen to go too far over the line, they tend to ban you, and that isn’t going to help you generate traffic.

So, that leads us to the big question. How do you go about using these sites to drive traffic (FREE traffic) back to your website? Wouldn’t it be great if there was a step by step guide to show you exactly what you need to do and how to go about doing it?

I’ve found a comprehensive video series that shows you exactly how to do it. These 8 videos show you step by step exactly the plan that experienced marketers use to generate massive amounts of targeted traffic from these sites. The videos will show you everything, from first registering your username, setting up your profile, and customizing your profile with the purpose of generating traffic back to your money producing webpages.